 $4,173 est/mo Sourced by Back At You

198 Magnolia Extension , Kenansville, NC 28349

Kenansville, NC 28349

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198 Magnolia Extension is a 8.336+ ACRE tract zoned GC in the front and R-10 in the rear. The property is near all amenities in the town including being adjacent to the local SECU, State of NC Vocational Rehab, and Employment Security offices. It is near James Sprunt Community College, the County Events Center and the USDA Federal Office complex as well as many other county offices on Magnolia Extension. Property can be subdivided with one acre on Magnolia Ext. zoned General Commercial. The General Commercial District is intended to accommodate a wide range of residential, commercial establishments and professional offices that provide goods and services to the residents of Kenansville and the surrounding area, as well as transient visitors. This district is meant to be applied to the following distinct areas: 1) areas adjacent to major thoroughfares and in locations that will not adversely impact nearby residential development, 2) areas in close proximity to residential areas to encourage and accommodate pedestrian travel to obtain convenience goods and services and 2) areas adjacent to major transportation arteries. The property has Town of Kenansville water and sewer available. A Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension has been applied for with the Town of Kenansville and acceptance is expected. Access to the property is from Magnolia Extension, a State maintained road. Access is also available on Old Warsaw Road into the rear of the site that is ideal for multi family development. The property is cleared and level and ready to build.


Listing TypeFor Sale
Days On Site239
Listing Provided ByDraughon Realty & Appraisal | Stan S Draughon



Market Activity 28349

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Zip Code28349
Community NameNot In Subdivision
School DistrictJames Kenan
Elementary SchoolKenansville
Listing VS Median (in Not In Subdivision)
low | high
100% of Average
On Site:
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100% of Average
Sourced by Back At You
Listing Updated: February 3, 2025 at 12:13:10 PM PST